Ward Family Vacations

Italy 2001

Piazza Navonna

After we finished up at the Spanish Steps we walked to the Piazza Navona is a square in the center of Rome built in the 15th century.  It was once the market place, and where the Romans came to watch and play games.  It was originally Domitian's stadium, built by emperor Domitian in 86 AD which is why the piazza is so long and narrow.   While the market and games have since moved the square is still renowned for its architecture and sculptures.  The center of the square boasts another Bernini work, the Fountain of the Four Rivers each representing a river from a different continent he completed in 1651.  
The Egyptian obelisk, originally located at the Massenzio Circus sits in the center of the Fountain of the Four Rivers.

The square also has two other fountains which are also beautiful one at each end.  The Fontana Del Netunno (Neptune Fountain) built in 1576 sits at one end and the Fontana del Moro (Moro Fountain) sits at the other both built by Giacoma della Porta.  

There is a beautiful church in the middle of the square, Sant'Agnese in Agone which was commissioned by Pope Innocent X.  The church was built by Bernini's rival of the time Borromini.  


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