Ward Family Vacations

France 2002

Shopping Mall

They went out to eat a nice meal one night and went to one of the large shopping malls in the area.  Of course, it was the Christmas season and the Mall was decorated beautifully for the holidays.


Dennis said he did not remember the name of the restaurant they went to eat that night, but that he was hungry and was overjoyed when he saw stacks of eggs in the kitchen. He said it made him hungry for steak and eggs or something "meaty" that he had been missing since he had been in France.  He didn't see anything like that on the menu so played it safe and ordered a dish with shrimp.  He said two of the guys ordered spaghetti.  He said when they brought the spaghetti dishes out he found out what the stacks of eggs were for.  They took the hot spaghetti then cracked a raw egg on the top of it to "cook" in the hot sauce! Yuk! 


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